A Painter with a Purpose; Sharing the True Life of Trauma

100 Artists of the Future

Check this out! The first print publication of my work! 
This painting was inspired by heartbreak that I couldn’t get over. Painting my feelings onto the canvas helped me release that heartache and let the healing process begin.

Isn’t it incredible that the most painful works of art are the ones most cherished; not just by the maker but also by the viewers? It’s as if raw emotions and vulnerability are the most attractive.

For my sake, I hope that’s true – since my artistry is derived from just that.

‘For the Sake of Healing’ is now exclusively available through The Art Spread, a non-profit organization.  

It is not for the sake of beauty, nor balance, nor order.  
It is not for the sake of audience, nor praise, nor presentation. 
It is for the sake of healing.


For the Sake of Healing‘ was also featured in an NYC Showcase at The Clio Art Fair.
You can grab the book from Amazon or at other major book retailers online!

This is only the start! There will be many more print publications to come and I can’t wait to share them all with you!


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