A Painter with a Purpose; Sharing the True Life of Trauma

Perfect In Weakness

I turned into a “painter” when I had nothing else to turn to. It was a last resort to salvage my sanity.

Recently, I’ve not been able to touch paint or even think of making since learning of my dad’s struggle with his health.

My friends and family have lovingly encouraged me to find solace in painting – to remember why I painted in the first place – to turn to my therapy. But I still can’t manage to pick up a brush or tube. How could art save this situation?

I made this piece a while back for myself as a reminder that God will be glorified through my struggle in some way…and then I completely forgot about it.

In October, my incredibly courageous cousin saw it and had to have it for her own journey with health. So, she took it and once again, I forgot about the piece.

While my dad has been in the hospital, this is the verse I’ve been clinging to and sharing with him.

Yesterday, my cousin sent me the picture of the painting.

What a beautiful reminder of how connected we all actually are, no matter what the struggle is. .

This profound statement has carried me through so much of my own misery. To see it inspire people I love like my dad and my cousin is what making art is all about. .

My heart is touched when I can create something from own my pain that helps someone get through theirs.

There is beauty in chaos.

Find it and cling to it. .

“…for My power is made perfect in weakness”

2 Corinthians 12:9

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